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SetClock 8.5 (Downloads: 839)
Set your PC Clock from an accurate atomic clock on the web. Set PC Clock from an accurate atomic clock on the web. You
can put in on your website so that others can use it to
correct their clocks without having to install software or
without you having to install software on your server.
Java Web Start signed.
Requires Java version 1.5 or later. Native code for Windows only.
Full Java source code included, and native C JNI code....
Dedup 1.5 (Downloads: 211)
Java command line utility to removes duplicate lines from text files. DeDup is a Java command-line utilty for removing duplicate
lines in text files.
The dedup process compares adjacent lines only. It does not
sort first. The comparison is case sensitive. It removes
adjacent indentical lines. It replaces the original file, so
do a backup first. You can dedup 1 to N files in one
execution, just put their names on the command line.
DeDup deletes blank lines from both the beginning...
TimeZones 1.9 (Downloads: 201)
Displays all the TimeZone on your machine supported by Java Displays all the TimeZoneon your machine supported by
Java, with their standard time and daylight saving time
offsets from GMT, along with the their ID (programmer) names
and display names. It also displays UTC time, local time, and
your default TimeZone and whether daylight savings is
currently in effect....
Echoserver 1.3 (Downloads: 224)
See what browsers and programs are sending to an HTTP Server. See what browsers and programs are sending to an HTTP Server.
Simple server just dumps whatever it receives on the console.
Echoserver is misnamed because it does not actually echo what it receives
back to the browser....
Encodings 1.6 (Downloads: 220)
Applet to list all supported encodings (character sets) supported by Java. Applet to list all supported encodings (character sets)
supported by your browser/java.
To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip,
(or similar unzip utility) into
any directory you please, often C:\ -- ticking off the (user
folder names) option. To run as an application, type:
java -jar C:\com\mindprod\encodings\encodings.jar
adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is....
Pentium 1.5 (Downloads: 245)
Java code to tell you facts about the Pentium and AMD CPU. Pentium works on Windows and Intel Pentium class and AMD
CPUs to determine the CPUID information such as the vendor,
brand/model, step, model, instruction set family, cpu serial
number, and the RDTSC Time stamp register for high
resolution timing measured in CPU cycles since the last
boot. It is designed to be incorporated in your own Java
You can also use it as a standalone utility with:
VerCheck 4.4 (Downloads: 293)
VerCheck checks websites for new versions of the software you use. WHAT IT IS FOR
I used to check over a dozen websites each day to see if new versions of the software I use had been released. This was time consuming and error prone. VerCheck automates this
process by checking the websites of the programs you use to see if the version numbers have changed. It comes preconfigured from the factory with 64 applications.
For each applica...
Http 2.9 (Downloads: 697)
HTTP GET/POST/HEAD/PROBE/CHASE java class library for http: or https: http is a small library of Java classes to let you do GET/POST/HEAD/PROBE/CHASE to a server r with http: or https. It will also encode parameter pairs for you.
It does nothing on its own. It is intended to be incorporated into your own programs.
To see a sample use have a look at the com.mindprod.submitter package, downloadable...
Rgrow 1.3 (Downloads: 194)
RGrow resizes fixed length records padding or chopping. RGrow resizes fixed length records e.g.
RGrow.exe MyFile.seq 500 600
will grow each record from 500 to 600 bytes by padding binary zeros.
Will also truncate records.
These are not the old and new sizes of the file, but of the fixed length records
in the file. If you increase the record size, each record will be padded
with nulls. The entire file will grow as a result.
This program may be freely copied and us...
BOOTSave 2.8 (Downloads: 254)
BootSave saves/restores the master boot sector BootSave saves/restores the master boot sector on the
hard disk. Suite of three utilities BootSave, BootRest and
BootChk. Protects against damage to the partition table or
boot sector done by rogue programs, viruses or accidents
with tools like Norton NU.
The BootSave suite will work under DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows
95/98/ME, OS/2, but not NT, Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7.
These OSes block low level disk I/O as...
Pluck 1.0 (Downloads: 187)
Scans multiple files looking for a REGEX pattern, and summarised what it finds. Scans multiple files looking for a REGEX pattern, and
summarised what it finds as a CSV file.
java -jar C:\com\mindprod\pluck\pluck.jar "\.[a-z]+\." E:\temp\temp.csv E:\somedir
adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.
The first parameter is the regex pattern. See regex in the java glossary
for how to compose them.
The next parameter is where the output in to go. use the
JDisplay 4.5 (Downloads: 379)
JDisplay displays colorised program listings in web pages. JDisplay displays Java, HTML, bat, SQL, ini, csv, xml, mft
properties... files a variety of colours, fonts, sizes
and weights to help make them more presentable and readable.
Why would you use it? For the same sorts of reasons you use
colours and fonts in an IDE like IntelliJ or Eclipse. They
make the code much easier to understand.
There is no server-side code used. Java utilities parse the
code snippets i...
FontSaver 1.4 (Downloads: 208)
FontSaver shares Font objects instead of creating new ones. FontSaver shares Font objects instead of creating new ones to cut
down on the RAM and time needed to create Font and Font peer objects.
Profiling often shows the creation of too many Font objects is the
cause of poor performance.
See the source code for how to incoporate it into your own programs.
It does nothing on its own....
Splice 1.5 (Downloads: 343)
SPLICE splices bits of files together SPLICE splices bits of files together e.g.
SPLICE Cut MyFile.Txt Start 99 Length 99 Insert MyFile2.txt At 99
SPLICE Copy MyFile.Txt Start 99 Length 99 Overlay MyFile2.txt At 99
Uses for SPLICE:
1. excising a section of a file.
2. replacing a section of a file.
3. inserting a section into a file.
4. extracting a section of a file.
5. appending a section onto a file.
This program may be freel...
LinkedList 1.6 (Downloads: 178)
LinkedList is replacement for Java Vector class. Classical doubly linked list. LinkedList is replacement for Java Vector class. Classical
doubly linked list. Faster that Vector for insert/delete, but slower
for indexed access. The interface is modeled on java.util.Vector, so
you can try it both ways and pick which is faster for your needs.
Heavily commented Java source included. copyright (c) 1997-2008 Canadian Mind
Products. May be freely distributed and and used for any purpose
except military.
NetworkCam 1.6 (Downloads: 249)
Java Applet to view a Webcam stream of JPG images a Java Applet that lets you a view
video stream from web cameras that servers
present as a series of still jpg images....
HunkIO 1.7 (Downloads: 233)
Java classes to readEntireFile, create a temp file etc. Java classes to include in your own programs. They let you read or write a file in one fell swoop into RAM. It also includes createTempFile method that is more convenient to use than Sun's File.createTempFile. It also includes PrintWriterPlus that converts linefeeds to platform specific line feeds even when they are embedded in data.
Why the three linked ball logo? It symbolises processing a file in line-sized chunks....