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Tabout 2.7 (Downloads: 213)
converts tabs to spaces in an ASCII text file. converts tabs to spaces in an ASCII text file
usage : TABOUT Myfile.TXT
Don't use it on word processor files. Assumes tab stops
are 8 columns apart. Also trims ^Z and corrects any
malformed CrLf line endings. C source included.
Copyrighted, but may be distributed freely and used for
any purpose except military....
Compactor 3.4 (Downloads: 533)
Compresses HTML by removing unnecessary white space. Compresses HTML by removing unnecessary white space.
Compacts HTML so that web pages are 20% smaller and hence
20% faster. It does this by removing all unnecessary white
space. To fluff files up again, I suggest using SlickEdit
beautify. The file will render on browsers exactly as they
did before. Any [pre] sections are left intact. No comments
are removed.
Align 1.6 (Downloads: 231)
Aligns data in ASCII text files into neat columns. ALIGN aligns data in ASCII text files into neat columns.
Also converts comma-delimited files to columns with 2 spaces
between each column. Input fields must be separated by
commas or white space. Fields may contain spaces if they
are enclosed in single or double quotes or C comments /* ...
*/ or //. The best way to understand this program is to try
it on a COPY of any ASCII Text file, especially one that
contains badly al...
JarLook 1.2 (Downloads: 292)
Check that class target versions are as expected in a Java jar. Check a Java jar to make sure all the javac -target versions of
the class files are what you expect.
Java application.
Requires Java version 1.5 or later.
All Java source code is included.
to use:
java -jar jarlook.jar jartotocheck.jar 1.1 1.4
where jartocheck.jar is the name of jar to check.
It will check all the class files in it.
In this example:
1.1 is the low...
LinkedList 1.6 (Downloads: 178)
LinkedList is replacement for Java Vector class. Classical doubly linked list. LinkedList is replacement for Java Vector class. Classical
doubly linked list. Faster that Vector for insert/delete, but slower
for indexed access. The interface is modeled on java.util.Vector, so
you can try it both ways and pick which is faster for your needs.
Heavily commented Java source included. copyright (c) 1997-2008 Canadian Mind
Products. May be freely distributed and and used for any purpose
except military.
Esper 2.4 (Downloads: 274)
A crude translator Esperanto To English and English to Esperanto. A crude translator Esperanto To English and English to
Esperanto. It works by looking up words in various
dictionaries on the web. It mindlessly translates word for
(1) First download and install the lastest Java JRE
(2) Using WinZip extract the
files into the default com\mindprod\esper directory.
(3) Create a shortcut setting by right clicking the
desktop and selecting new shortcut.
RadixSort 1.6 (Downloads: 191)
RadixSort is a fast internal sort written in Java that mimics a card sorter. RadixSort is a fast internal sort written in Java that
mimics a card sorter. Source provided. It is faster than
both HeapSort and QuickSort. It sorts using a comparision
routine you provide to compare two elements to be sorted
plus a method to extract individual bytes from the keys to
be sorted. The time to sort each item unlike most sorts,
does not increase with larger sorts. It depends rather on
the key length.
Accumulate 1.3 (Downloads: 177)
Used to accumulate values by category. Used to accumulate values by category. It might be useful
for example in a billing program to accumulate hours by
various categories.
It could be used to count how many times various words
occurred in a document.
All you need is:
buckets.accumulate( "somecategory", someamount );
And Accumulate looks after creating the buckets to
accumulate new categories for you.
JarCheck 1.4 (Downloads: 460)
Check that class target versions are as expected in a Java jar. Check a Java jar to make sure all the javac -target versions of
the class files are what you expect.
Java application.
Requires Java version 1.5 or later.
All Java source code is included.
to use:
java -jar jarcheck.jar jartotocheck.jar 1.1 1.7
where jartocheck.jar is the name of jar to check.
It will check all the class files in it.
In this example:
1.1 is the lo...
Pentium 1.5 (Downloads: 245)
Java code to tell you facts about the Pentium and AMD CPU. Pentium works on Windows and Intel Pentium class and AMD
CPUs to determine the CPUID information such as the vendor,
brand/model, step, model, instruction set family, cpu serial
number, and the RDTSC Time stamp register for high
resolution timing measured in CPU cycles since the last
boot. It is designed to be incorporated in your own Java
You can also use it as a standalone utility with:
Masker 1.9 (Downloads: 271)
Hides email addresses from spammers as PNG image files. Produces PNG files (image files similar to GIFs, but
smaller) that contain your email address. When you post them
on your website, it is harder for spammer to harvest them.
You can include the generated image files in the HTML on
your website with: code like this:
[a href="../image/mailto/roedy.png"]email me[/a]
(pretend [] are angle brackets)
[mg src="image/mailto/r...
AmericanTax 3.8 (Downloads: 419)
Calculates American sales taxes state and district Calculates American sales taxes, state and district.
Java Applet that can also be run as an application.
Requires Java version 1.5 or later.
Java source code and sample HTML included.
This version computes by adding sales tax to a base price.
It also works in reverse given the total paid working
backwards to get the tax and original price. In other words
it will tell you the sticker price to make somet...
Tabin 5.3 (Downloads: 233)
Converts spaces to tabs in an ASCII text file. Converts spaces to tabs in an ASCII text file
TABIN.exe Myfile.txt
Assumes tab stops are 8 columns apart. Don't use it on word
processor files. C source included. Copyrighted by Canadian
Mind Products. May be freely distributed and used for any
purpose except military. It has been rewritten in C from
Pascal for extra speed. Users of previous versions should
take care to delete the old TABIN.COM...
Entities 3.1 (Downloads: 578)
Utilities to convert/strip/insert HTML/XML/XHTML entities Consists of a pair of utilities that let you
convert/strip/insert HTML/XML/XHTML entities such as _amp;- and _quot;
from files converting them back and forth to their
equivalent single characters !amp; and !quot;. It handles the HTML 4
entities such as _hearts; as well as decimal _#123; and
hexadecimal _x#123; entities.
You may us this package as standalone
utilities, or use the classes in your own programs
Password 1.7 (Downloads: 515)
Generates random passwords that are hard to guess. Generates random passwords that are hard to guess. It uses a crytographic quality random number generator. The passwords are generated locally in a Java Applet. They are never transmitted over the Internet, even in encrypted form.
You can also run it as a standalone program, invoking it with
java com.mindprod.password.Password
You can also run it online at the mindprod.com website without installing it....
Splice 1.5 (Downloads: 343)
SPLICE splices bits of files together SPLICE splices bits of files together e.g.
SPLICE Cut MyFile.Txt Start 99 Length 99 Insert MyFile2.txt At 99
SPLICE Copy MyFile.Txt Start 99 Length 99 Overlay MyFile2.txt At 99
Uses for SPLICE:
1. excising a section of a file.
2. replacing a section of a file.
3. inserting a section into a file.
4. extracting a section of a file.
5. appending a section onto a file.
This program may be freel...
CMOSSave 4.6 (Downloads: 302)
Check CMOS for corruption and automatically restore it. CMOSSave CMOSRest CMOSChk restore corrupted CMOS from
backup and check that CMOS has not been tampered with.
Naive users sometimes meddle with CMOS settings. We need a
fast way to put the scores of subtle CMOS configuration
settings back the way they were.
Power surges can corrupt CMOS. We need a way for a naive
user to quickly restore all the CMOS settings.
If the battery fails, the contents will be los...