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    C: \ Network & Internet \ Timers & Time Synch \ SetClock 8.5 \ Author

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    SetClock 8.5 - Author Info Page

    Description: Set your PC Clock from an accurate atomic clock on the web... (more)

    Author Info for SetClock 8.5

    Author/Company Name: Canadian Mind Products

    Country: Canada

    Web Site: http://mindprod.com

    Programs listed: 86

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    Other listings by this author

    HunkIO iconHunkIO 1.7   (Downloads: 233)
    Java classes to readEntireFile, create a temp file etc. Java classes to include in your own programs. They let you read or write a file in one fell swoop into RAM. It also includes createTempFile method that is more convenient to use than Sun's File.createTempFile. It also includes PrintWriterPlus that converts linefeeds to platform specific line feeds even when they are embedded in data.

    Why the three linked ball logo? It symbolises processing a file in line-sized chunks....

    Pluck iconPluck 1.0   (Downloads: 187)
    Scans multiple files looking for a REGEX pattern, and summarised what it finds. Scans multiple files looking for a REGEX pattern, and
    summarised what it finds as a CSV file.

    java -jar C:\com\mindprod\pluck\pluck.jar "\.[a-z]+\." E:\temp\temp.csv E:\somedir

    adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.
    The first parameter is the regex pattern. See regex in the java glossary
    for how to compose them.

    The next parameter is where the output in to go. use the

    Dedup iconDedup 1.5   (Downloads: 211)
    Java command line utility to removes duplicate lines from text files. DeDup is a Java command-line utilty for removing duplicate
    lines in text files.

    The dedup process compares adjacent lines only. It does not
    sort first. The comparison is case sensitive. It removes
    adjacent indentical lines. It replaces the original file, so
    do a backup first. You can dedup 1 to N files in one
    execution, just put their names on the command line.

    DeDup deletes blank lines from both the beginning...

    CurrCon iconCurrCon 4.5   (Downloads: 554)
    CurrCon displays prices in HTML in users' home currency. Currency Conversion Applet.

    CurrCon is an Applet you embed in your HTML
    to display prices in a variety of world currencies
    defaulting to the user's country.

    It usually works in conjunction with the htmlmacros
    pre-processor to insert the necessary Applet calls,
    though you can do it manually.

    Shareware for non military use only.
    Registrants get help setting it up....

    Untouch iconUntouch 2.4   (Downloads: 401)
    Reverts files dates back if the files have not really changed. Documentation on the original student project outline
    This explains how it works and some of its uses.

    Untouch supports the following command line switches which appear
    before the directories.
    -c or -clear = clear history first and take current file times as the new revert-to point.
    -f or -force = revert files back to previous dates whether they have changed or not.
    -h or -help =...

    Common11 iconCommon11 2.8   (Downloads: 354)
    common utility classes that work under Java 1.1+ common utility classes that work under Java 1.1 without using Arraylists or Swing.

    Class library.
    Requires Java version 1.1 or later.

    BigDate: simplified date handling when you want dates without times.
    CMPAboutBox: a proper about box that provides useful information.
    ImageInfo: information about a GIF, png, jpg.
    ImageViewer: component to display an image
    Limiter: cap, corral and h...

    RadixSort iconRadixSort 1.6   (Downloads: 191)
    RadixSort is a fast internal sort written in Java that mimics a card sorter. RadixSort is a fast internal sort written in Java that
    mimics a card sorter. Source provided. It is faster than
    both HeapSort and QuickSort. It sorts using a comparision
    routine you provide to compare two elements to be sorted
    plus a method to extract individual bytes from the keys to
    be sorted. The time to sort each item unlike most sorts,
    does not increase with larger sorts. It depends rather on
    the key length.

    JDisplay iconJDisplay 4.5   (Downloads: 379)
    JDisplay displays colorised program listings in web pages. JDisplay displays Java, HTML, bat, SQL, ini, csv, xml, mft
    properties... files a variety of colours, fonts, sizes
    and weights to help make them more presentable and readable.

    Why would you use it? For the same sorts of reasons you use
    colours and fonts in an IDE like IntelliJ or Eclipse. They
    make the code much easier to understand.

    There is no server-side code used. Java utilities parse the
    code snippets i...

    ShellSort iconShellSort 1.4   (Downloads: 213)
    ShellSort is a simple sort suitable for 2000 or less elements. ShellSort is a simple sort suitable for 2000 or less
    elements. It sorts using a comparision routine you provide
    to compare two elements to be sorted.

    You can test it with:

    java.exe com.mindprod.shellsort.TestShellSort...

    Accumulate iconAccumulate 1.3   (Downloads: 177)
    Used to accumulate values by category. Used to accumulate values by category. It might be useful
    for example in a billing program to accumulate hours by
    various categories.

    It could be used to count how many times various words
    occurred in a document.

    All you need is:

    buckets.accumulate( "somecategory", someamount );

    And Accumulate looks after creating the buckets to
    accumulate new categories for you.


    Echoserver iconEchoserver 1.3   (Downloads: 224)
    See what browsers and programs are sending to an HTTP Server. See what browsers and programs are sending to an HTTP Server.

    Simple server just dumps whatever it receives on the console.

    Echoserver is misnamed because it does not actually echo what it receives
    back to the browser....

    LEDataStream iconLEDataStream 1.8   (Downloads: 226)
    Little-endian replacements for DataInputStream, DataOutputStream and RandomAcces Little-endian replacements for DataInputStream, DataOutputStream and RandomAccessFile. They work just like DataInputStream, DataOutputStream and RandomAccessFile except they work with little-endian binary data. Normally Java binary I/O is done with big-endian data, with the most significant byte of an integer or float first. Intel and Windows 95 tend to work with little endian data in native files. LEDataInputStream, LEDataOutputstream and LERandomAccessFile will le...

    InWords iconInWords 4.6   (Downloads: 318)
    Java code to converts number to words in any of 24 languagues. Shows you how to count in any of the following languages:

    Bahasa Indonesia
    Decimal (several variants)
    Dutch (modern, old and banker's)
    English (British, North American, Ordinals)
    Metric Metric Prefixes (grams)
    RAM (bytes)
    Roman Numerals...

    FileTimes iconFileTimes 1.9   (Downloads: 222)
    Read and set Windows file/dir times from Java: Create/LastModified/LastAccessed Java class library to get/set file and directory times: Create/LastModified/LastAccessed. For Windows only.

    Create time is when the file was first written. Modified
    time (sometimes called lastModified) is when the file was
    last written. Accessed time is when the file was last read
    or written. Checking its date, looking at its attributes or
    checking to see if it exists does not count as reading it.

    Get/Set Windows Fil...

    CanadianTax iconCanadianTax 4.2   (Downloads: 583)
    Calculates Canadian sales taxes: GST HST and PST today or in the past. Calculates Canadian sales taxes: GST HST and PST today or as they were in the past.

    Java Applet that can also be run as an application.
    Requires Java version 1.5 or later.

    Java source code and sample HTML included.

    This version computes by adding GST HST and PST to a base
    price. It als works in reverse given the
    final price working backwards to get the taxes and base
    price. In other words it will tell ...

    Tabout iconTabout 2.7   (Downloads: 213)
    converts tabs to spaces in an ASCII text file. converts tabs to spaces in an ASCII text file
    usage : TABOUT Myfile.TXT
    Don't use it on word processor files. Assumes tab stops
    are 8 columns apart. Also trims ^Z and corrects any
    malformed CrLf line endings. C source included.
    Copyrighted, but may be distributed freely and used for
    any purpose except military....

    File Splitter iconFile Splitter 1.3   (Downloads: 291)
    Split large text/html files into smaller files using embedded split commands. Split large text/html files into smaller files. I find it
    much faster and more accurate than cut and paste.

    You embed commands in the big file telling it which pieces
    of it are to go where, then let Splitter do the work. It is
    much faster and more accurate than trying to select huge
    blocks of text in an editor. You don't accidentally lose or
    duplicate text. Keeping files small makes the site more

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