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CanadianTax 4.2 (Downloads: 583)
Calculates Canadian sales taxes: GST HST and PST today or in the past. Calculates Canadian sales taxes: GST HST and PST today or as they were in the past.
Java Applet that can also be run as an application.
Requires Java version 1.5 or later.
Java source code and sample HTML included.
This version computes by adding GST HST and PST to a base
price. It als works in reverse given the
final price working backwards to get the taxes and base
price. In other words it will tell ...
Spinner 1.1 (Downloads: 325)
DateSpinner, hex and formatted dollar input for Java JSpinner. Spinner consists of source for classes for a DateSpinner and to add hex and
formatted dollar input/output for Java JSpinner to your own
Java programs.
Spinner offers two NumberFormatter classes you can use with
a JSpinner. One is HexNumberFormatter which lets your
JSpinner range over hex values. The other is
DollarNumberFormatter which lets your JSpinner range over
dollar values. It works better than JSpinner.NumberEd...
Masker 1.9 (Downloads: 271)
Hides email addresses from spammers as PNG image files. Produces PNG files (image files similar to GIFs, but
smaller) that contain your email address. When you post them
on your website, it is harder for spammer to harvest them.
You can include the generated image files in the HTML on
your website with: code like this:
[a href="../image/mailto/roedy.png"]email me[/a]
(pretend [] are angle brackets)
[mg src="image/mailto/r...
FileTransfer 2.5 (Downloads: 255)
Java classes to cop, upload and download files. Includes classes to let you copy, download and upload files from within a Java program. Also contains a command-line utility to download files.
Fully commented Java source is provided. It is now comes in four parts, MiniFileTransfer, FileTransfer and MaxiFileTransfer, Download depending on how much functionality you require. Now supports copying members in local jar files.
Command line use:
java -jar download.jar http : //x...
CSV 6.5 (Downloads: 962)
Java to read, write, align, sort, reshape, pack... comma, tab-separated files. Java classes you can use standalone or embed in your own programs to
Read, write, align, sort and pack comma, tab and semicolon-
separated variable files, commonly known as CSV files.
It consists of a 23 Java classes/utilities CSVReader, CSVWriter, CSVAlign, CSVChangeCase, CSVCondense, CSVDeDup, CSVDeDupField, CSVDeEntify, CSVDump, CSVEntify, CSVPack, CSVPatch, CSVReshape, CSVSort, CSVSortField, CSVTabToComma, CSVTemplate, CSVToHTML, CSVToS...
FileTimes 1.9 (Downloads: 222)
Read and set Windows file/dir times from Java: Create/LastModified/LastAccessed Java class library to get/set file and directory times: Create/LastModified/LastAccessed. For Windows only.
Create time is when the file was first written. Modified
time (sometimes called lastModified) is when the file was
last written. Accessed time is when the file was last read
or written. Checking its date, looking at its attributes or
checking to see if it exists does not count as reading it.
Get/Set Windows Fil...
BOOTSave 2.8 (Downloads: 254)
BootSave saves/restores the master boot sector BootSave saves/restores the master boot sector on the
hard disk. Suite of three utilities BootSave, BootRest and
BootChk. Protects against damage to the partition table or
boot sector done by rogue programs, viruses or accidents
with tools like Norton NU.
The BootSave suite will work under DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows
95/98/ME, OS/2, but not NT, Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7.
These OSes block low level disk I/O as...
NetworkCam 1.6 (Downloads: 249)
Java Applet to view a Webcam stream of JPG images a Java Applet that lets you a view
video stream from web cameras that servers
present as a series of still jpg images....
Volser 1.2 (Downloads: 338)
Gets the 4-byte 32-bit binary volume serial number in Windows. Gets the 4-byte 32-bit binary volume serial number of a Windows
disk drive assigned when it is formatted to provide and almost unique id.
Don't confuse this with the volser(, the string name,
or the manufacturer's disk serial number assigned to a hard drive at the factory.
Uses JNI and C++ native code.
Consists of java and JNI you include in your own code.
You can test with
CD \com.mindprod...
Esper 2.4 (Downloads: 274)
A crude translator Esperanto To English and English to Esperanto. A crude translator Esperanto To English and English to
Esperanto. It works by looking up words in various
dictionaries on the web. It mindlessly translates word for
(1) First download and install the lastest Java JRE
(2) Using WinZip extract the
files into the default com\mindprod\esper directory.
(3) Create a shortcut setting by right clicking the
desktop and selecting new shortcut.
SortedArrayList 1.3 (Downloads: 203)
Sort and Merge ArrayLists efficiently. This is a pair of library classes to include in your own
code for manipulating ArrayLists.
It consist of two classes: SortedArrayList and Merge.
SortedArrayList is an ArrayList that remembers how it is
sorted, so that if you ask it to sort, it can sometimes
bypass the work when it is already in order. You declare the
order you want and it keeps the list sorted, You just call
sort whenever you need the list to ...
Mouse 1.4 (Downloads: 241)
In Java, allows you to find out where the mouse in on the screen In Java, allows you to find out where the mouse in on the
screen, even when it is not over one of your apps. This has
similar function to MouseInfo.getPointerInfo in Java 1.5+.
This class will work in any version of Java.
It uses JNI and a DLL, so it only works on Windows.
You must install the nativemouse.dll somewhere on the path.
Then your programs can find out the x and y position of the
mouse, [(0,0...
Amper 1.9 (Downloads: 366)
Safely converts ampersands to !amp; entities In the following, pretend ! is an ampersand. PAD files don't let me give literal examples. Amper converts ! to !amp; in HTML files and back, but does not convert it when the ! is already in an entity e.g. !lt; !thetasym; !eacute;
The main use for this is to pass HTMLValidator verification of your HTML, which is very picky about !, especially inside URLs.
As a side effect, it also ensures all your comment delimiters balance.
It ...
Http 2.9 (Downloads: 697)
HTTP GET/POST/HEAD/PROBE/CHASE java class library for http: or https: http is a small library of Java classes to let you do GET/POST/HEAD/PROBE/CHASE to a server r with http: or https. It will also encode parameter pairs for you.
It does nothing on its own. It is intended to be incorporated into your own programs.
To see a sample use have a look at the com.mindprod.submitter package, downloadable...
Encodings 1.6 (Downloads: 220)
Applet to list all supported encodings (character sets) supported by Java. Applet to list all supported encodings (character sets)
supported by your browser/java.
To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip,
(or similar unzip utility) into
any directory you please, often C:\ -- ticking off the (user
folder names) option. To run as an application, type:
java -jar C:\com\mindprod\encodings\encodings.jar
adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is....
FourTidy 3.1 (Downloads: 283)
Tidies Take Command/TCC/4NT/4DOS DESCRIBE file descriptors To tidy, sort, prune and dedup a JP Software
Take Command/TCC/4NT/4DOS hidden descript.ion file. These files are used by
the DESCRIBE utility to track what your various files
are for.
First make the directory containing the usually-hidden descript.ion file
current. e.g.
cd \env
Then invoke the java program with:
java.exe -jar C:\com\mindprod\fourtidy\fourtidy.jar
If you...
VerCheck 4.4 (Downloads: 293)
VerCheck checks websites for new versions of the software you use. WHAT IT IS FOR
I used to check over a dozen websites each day to see if new versions of the software I use had been released. This was time consuming and error prone. VerCheck automates this
process by checking the websites of the programs you use to see if the version numbers have changed. It comes preconfigured from the factory with 64 applications.
For each applica...