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    C: \ Graphic Apps \ Gallery & Cataloging Tools \ VIFoto 1.0 \ Author

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    VIFoto 1.0 - Author Info Page

    Description: Photoalbum with using a MS Access Database.. (more)

    Author Info for VIFoto 1.0

    Author/Company Name: Valeri Vlassov

    Country: Russia

    Web Site: http://www.rominten.com

    Programs listed: 20

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    Other listings by this author

    VIPlayer iconVIPlayer 1.0   (Downloads: 249)
    Media player with possibility to play many media files together. Media player with possibility to play many media files together and MS Access Database support.

    Why use it:

    - Normal and simply Windows User interface.
    - Simply open a media file as you do it in Word or Excel and show it.
    - You can open more than one media-files (video, audio and pictures) together.
    - When you open a file, all files with those extention will be automaticaly imported in an Access-database file (mdb).

    VICalc iconVICalc 1.0   (Downloads: 354)
    Original "just-in-place" calculator for text files Simply open any of your txt files or use an empty new one. Enter 2 plus 3 and press Enter.
    The result " = 5 " will be added automatically:
    2 + 3 = 5

    Use any of +, -, /, * operations:
    -2 + 3.5 = 1.500000
    1 + 2 + 3 - 4 = 2
    2 * 3 = 6
    8 / 4 = 2.000000
    1 * 2 * 3 * 4 = 24
    8 / 2 / 2 / 2 = 1.000000

    Change any of entered numbers and press F5 (or button "Refresh"). The whole conten...

    VIViewer iconVIViewer 1.1   (Downloads: 321)
    The Viewer for 3ds files with possibility to walk around objects. The Viewer for 3ds files with possibility to walk around objects.

    - You can open a lot of 3ds files together.
    - You can scale and rotate the 3ds-objects.
    - You can walk around and inside the 3ds-objects.
    - Simply use 4 arrow buttons for rotate or walk around the object.
    - Use "plus" and "minus" buttons on numpad for scale the object.
    - Use "Man" button on toolbar for switching "walk&q...

    VIBio iconVIBio 1.2   (Downloads: 716)
    Biorythms with diagramms and today's comments Biorythms with diagramms and comments.

    - classical biorythms: physical, emotional, intellectual;
    - modern biorythms: intuitial, aesthetic, spiritual;
    - comments for today;
    - possibility to show and compare a lot of biorythms together;
    - possibility to write a txt file for every Person's biorytms;
    - simply and friendly user interface;...

    VIGps iconVIGps 1.0   (Downloads: 299)
    GPS Navigator with using a scanned raster maps GPS Navigator with using a scanned maps and possibility to open a lot of maps together.

    - you can show a current GPS data (Speed, Direction, Longitude, Latitude, Time, Date, Height);
    - you can open any of scanned maps (in a "bmp" or "dib" format);
    - you can calibrate the scanned maps yourself by two calibration points only (left-top and right-bottom);
    - calibrations are stored automatically for every map, you do ...

    VIBar iconVIBar 2.0   (Downloads: 354)
    Barcode generator (39, 93, 128, Ean13, I2to5) - generates and prints barcodes;
    - line-barcode types: 39, 93, 128, Ean13, I2of5;
    - TrueType-barcode types: 39, 39 extended;
    - you can use any other of barcode TrueType fonts installed at your computer;
    - you can repeat one barcode as a list so many times as you want;
    - you can make (export) a txt-file with a list of your products and open this file in VIBar to get a list of according barcodes;
    - you can change barcode's posi...

    VISaldo iconVISaldo 1.1   (Downloads: 164)
    Banc balance for your Budget with support of MS Access database Banc Balance for your Budget with support of MS Access database.

    - saldo-balance (a "chess" table) for a private, family or firm budget;
    - Operations are stored in a true database (MS Access mdb file);
    - no limits for a number of Operations (millions and more);
    - fields in an Operation record are: Date, From, To, Sum, Comment;
    - no limits for a texts stored in a Comment Memo-field for every Operation;
    - categ...

    VIHoro iconVIHoro 1.0   (Downloads: 210)
    Today's Sun, Love and China Horoscopes for you and your Family - keep a list of your family, friends and stuff
    - get a couple of today's Sun, Love and China Horoscopes for selected person by one click
    - you can simply add / delete Persons by yourself
    - you can simply add / delete Horoscope sites by yourself
    - you can show a lot of Horoscopes sites together
    - you can select one or more Horoscopes sites you want to show
    - no limits for amount of Persons in the list
    - no limits for amount ...

    VIGraph iconVIGraph 1.5   (Downloads: 322)
    Graph builder for your txt data files - It draws a diagrams from your txt-data files.
    - It scales your diagrams automatically or manually.
    - Simply make a txt or csv (ASCII) file like that:

    Dow Jones

    Date; Open; High; Low; Close

    4/14/2005; 10403.71; 10457.06; 10248.23; 10278.75
    4/15/2005; 10276.61; 10311.26; 10059.36; 10087.51
    4/18/2005; 10088.54; 10183.50; 9961.52; 10071.25
    4/19/2005; 10071.55; 10220.21; 10021.08; 10127.41

    VIPcam iconVIPcam 1.2   (Downloads: 387)
    Alarm monitor with many cameras, many watch areas, sending alarm photos by FTP - start the Program and a windows for all installed cameras will be open.
    - close not needed cameras if you want;
    - change a size and position of the main window;
    - use Menu Window/Tile to place all opened Windows tiled if you want;
    - press a button "Camera's Properties" to change settings for camera in active window if you want;
    - press a button "Show Cross" to start alarm watching for active camera (a camera w...

    VIMail iconVIMail 1.0   (Downloads: 259)
    Serial E-Mails with support of MS Access database and txt template files Serial E-Mails with support of MS Access database and txt template files

    - addresses are stored in a true database (MS Access mdb file), no limits for a number of addresses;
    - address record: EMail, Prefix, Name, Template, 5 free Memo-fields for you needs;
    - no limits for a texts stored in every of your 5 Memo-fields for every address;
    - letter templates in a simple text files;
    - possibility to change a letter-template for ev...

    VITicker iconVITicker 1.1   (Downloads: 271)
    World stocks ticker with diagrams and lists for NYSE, NASDAQ etc World stocks ticker with diagrams and lists for NYSE, NASDAQ etc
    and possibility to open a lot of quotes and lists together.
    Friendly and simple user interface.

    How to use it:

    - click a button (NYSE, NASDAQ etc) for a list of quotes;
    - double click (or press Enter) in a list at a quote you are interesting for;
    - you will get a latest details for that quote;
    - then you will getting the new quotedata every 5 m...

    VIDrive iconVIDrive 1.0   (Downloads: 251)
    Quck and simple viewer for all your drives - it looks inside all your HDDs (logical disks c:/, d:/ etc), CD-DVD drives, Flash memory sticks
    - it looks inside all your attached drives (via Localnet, Intranet, Internet, FTP)
    - you can get a table with all directories and files for any of your drives
    - you can sort a tables by Path, Name, Extention, Size, Date created, Date modified, Date accessed
    - you can get a table with doubled files (files with the same names and sizes) for any ...

    VIPlanet iconVIPlanet 1.0   (Downloads: 237)
    The Database with all countries and cities of the world Quick start:

    - start VIPlanet
    - press a button "Find data"
    - input for example "Paris"
    - a new table with all records containing word "Paris" will be open
    - double click at any of rows in the table
    - you will see a dialog with an info about selected city. You can enter a big memo-text for this city
    - press a button "Point". You will see a dialog for a point of this city at...

    VIPadd iconVIPadd 1.0   (Downloads: 229)
    Shareware PADs submitter with using an MS Access Database - you can hold and manage all your PADs here;
    - you can edit, delete and add Archives by yourself;
    - you can submit or update your PADs half-automatically to more than 800 Archives;
    - you can submit or update your PADs full-automatically to more than 130 Archives;
    - you can find presence of your PADs automatically in more than 500 Archives;
    - auto recognize of a category in a categoty-lists at Archives for you PAD;
    - auto fil...

    VIDay iconVIDay 1.0   (Downloads: 240)
    Simple personal and business calendar with up to 50 parallel projects Simple personal and business calendar

    - see a full year at ones
    - print out full year on one sheet of a paper
    - open and see a lot of years at ones
    - enter not limited text as a "Memo" for each day in every year
    -additionally enter not limited text as a "Red Day" for each day in every year (relevant events like a Birthdays or Holidays)
    - set a "repeat every year" check for any "Red Da...

    VIFilm iconVIFilm 1.2   (Downloads: 273)
    It makes one movie file from thousands of your photos - you can collect all your photos or pictures to only one film file (movie-file in avi format)
    - then you can show this film using any of your movie players
    - the photo file formats can be: jpg, bmp, gif, tif, png, wmf, emf, cur, ico
    - you can show all photo files from selected directory as a mosaic
    - you can select a needed photos and make a film for them

    How to use the program:
    - simply open one of the picture files (...

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    JaSFtp iconJaSFtp 11.10: JaSFtp - Automated SFTP client (secure FTP), Run 1000+ tasks on a schedule.

    Audio DVD Maker iconAudio DVD Maker 1.0: Audio DVD Maker is an innovative utility for you to personalize your own DVD

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    AbleFTP iconAbleFTP 11.10: AbleFtp - FTP client designed to automate and run 1000+ FTP tasks a day.

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