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    C: \ Graphic Apps \ CAD \ OBJ Import for Solid Edge 1.0 \ Author

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    OBJ Import for Solid Edge 1.0 - Author Info Page

    Description: OBJ Import for Solid Edge - Wavefront OBJ file import add-in for Solid Edge.. (more)

    Author Info for OBJ Import for Solid Edge 1.0

    Author/Company Name: SYCODE

    Country: India

    Web Site: http://www.sycode.com

    Programs listed: 16

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    3DS Import for SolidWorks reads polygon mesh data stored in 3DS files and imports it into SolidWorks. A polygon mesh in a 3DS file is comprised of a set of triangular faces. 3DS Import for SolidWorks creates trimmed planar surfaces for each triangle and knits them together to create ...

    3DM Import for Solid Edge icon3DM Import for Solid Edge 1.0   (Downloads: 337)
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    3DS Export for SolidWorks tessellates the solid bodies in a SolidWorks part or assembly document into individual triangular meshes. These meshes are then exported to 3DS file as mesh objects. The level of tessellation can ...

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    OBJ Export for Solid Edge tessellates solid bodies in a Solid Edge document into a set of triangular meshes. These meshes are then exported to an OBJ file as mesh objects. The OBJ file can then be imported into a...

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