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    C: \ System Utilities \ Launchers & Task Managers \ Video Snapshots Genius \ Author

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    Video Snapshots Genius - Author Info Page

    Description: Captures movie (video) scenes to single picture files or thumbnail galleries!.. (more)

    Author Info for Video Snapshots Genius

    Author/Company Name: Lonking Software, LLC

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://www.lonking.com/

    Programs listed: 3

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    Picture Resize Genius iconPicture Resize Genius 2.9.107   (Downloads: 320)
    batch resize,add watermark and rename for photos,pictrures and images Picture Resize Genius includes the ability to batch resize pictures, batch resize photos, and perform batch image resize functions. Besides, it can add a text overlay (watermark), rename file and more. You will be able to process thousands of files in a few seconds.

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