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    C: \ Development \ Other \ FontSaver 1.4 \ Author

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    FontSaver 1.4 - Author Info Page

    Description: FontSaver shares Font objects instead of creating new ones... (more)

    Author Info for FontSaver 1.4

    Author/Company Name: Canadian Mind Products

    Country: Canada

    Web Site: http://mindprod.com

    Programs listed: 86

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    Other listings by this author

    FourTidy iconFourTidy 3.1   (Downloads: 282)
    Tidies Take Command/TCC/4NT/4DOS DESCRIBE file descriptors To tidy, sort, prune and dedup a JP Software
    Take Command/TCC/4NT/4DOS hidden descript.ion file. These files are used by
    the DESCRIBE utility to track what your various files
    are for.

    First make the directory containing the usually-hidden descript.ion file
    current. e.g.

    cd \env

    Then invoke the java program with:

    java.exe -jar C:\com\mindprod\fourtidy\fourtidy.jar

    If you...

    Mouse iconMouse 1.4   (Downloads: 237)
    In Java, allows you to find out where the mouse in on the screen In Java, allows you to find out where the mouse in on the
    screen, even when it is not over one of your apps. This has
    similar function to MouseInfo.getPointerInfo in Java 1.5+.
    This class will work in any version of Java.

    It uses JNI and a DLL, so it only works on Windows.

    You must install the nativemouse.dll somewhere on the path.

    Then your programs can find out the x and y position of the
    mouse, [(0,0...

    Batik iconBatik 2.2   (Downloads: 457)
    Java to let you create a custom utility to find and delete all junk files. Java classes to let you create a custom utility to find and
    delete all junk files on your machine. Use one of the three
    scripts supplied as an example, to create your own XXX.java
    source code file then compile and use to rapidly clean your
    drive of junk.

    This program requires some elementary Java programming skill.

    To compile

    cd \com\mindprod\batik
    javac *.java

    to run, make s...

    Comparators iconComparators 1.4   (Downloads: 291)
    Comparator classes to include in your Java programs. Java classes to include in your programs. Includes:
    HTMLArrayComparator.java: Compares two arrays of Strings of HTML, ignoring embedded tags.
    HTMLComparator.java: Compares two Strings of HTML, ignoring embedded tags.
    StringComparator.java: Compares two Strings, case sensitive.
    StringComparatorIgnoreCase.java: Compares two Strings, case insensitive.

    Not useful on its own, though you can run the debugging harness with:


    Insult iconInsult 1.9   (Downloads: 311)
    Generates insults typical of those posted by Republicans in newsgroups. Generates insults typical of those posted by Republicans in
    the alt.politics.bush newsgroup.

    Java Applet that can also be run as an application.

    You can run it without installing it at

    To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into
    any directory you please, often C:\ -- ticking off the (user
    folder names) option. To run as an application,...

    HunkIO iconHunkIO 1.7   (Downloads: 229)
    Java classes to readEntireFile, create a temp file etc. Java classes to include in your own programs. They let you read or write a file in one fell swoop into RAM. It also includes createTempFile method that is more convenient to use than Sun's File.createTempFile. It also includes PrintWriterPlus that converts linefeeds to platform specific line feeds even when they are embedded in data.

    Why the three linked ball logo? It symbolises processing a file in line-sized chunks....

    NetworkCam iconNetworkCam 1.6   (Downloads: 247)
    Java Applet to view a Webcam stream of JPG images a Java Applet that lets you a view
    video stream from web cameras that servers
    present as a series of still jpg images....

    CurrCon iconCurrCon 4.5   (Downloads: 551)
    CurrCon displays prices in HTML in users' home currency. Currency Conversion Applet.

    CurrCon is an Applet you embed in your HTML
    to display prices in a variety of world currencies
    defaulting to the user's country.

    It usually works in conjunction with the htmlmacros
    pre-processor to insert the necessary Applet calls,
    though you can do it manually.

    Shareware for non military use only.
    Registrants get help setting it up....

    Borders iconBorders 1.5   (Downloads: 201)
    Displays a variety of decorative borders. Shows off what you can do with Swing. Displays a variety of decorative borders.
    Shows off what you can do with Swing.

    To run as an application, type:

    java -jar C:\com\mindprod\borders\borders.jar

    adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.

    The picture frame icon represents the various decorative
    borders you can put around your Swing panels....

    Official Encoding iconOfficial Encoding 1.1   (Downloads: 159)
    Discover the official name of any given Java encoding. Official Encoding will tell you the official name of any given Java encoding and whether it is supported by Java. It will also display some of the characters available with that encoding.


    This program runs under any OS,
    (e.g. Win2K/XP/Vista/OSX/Linux/Solaris/Vista64/AIX...) so long as you have
    Java version 1.5 or later installed.


    Download source and compiled class files to run...

    CanadianTax iconCanadianTax 4.2   (Downloads: 580)
    Calculates Canadian sales taxes: GST HST and PST today or in the past. Calculates Canadian sales taxes: GST HST and PST today or as they were in the past.

    Java Applet that can also be run as an application.
    Requires Java version 1.5 or later.

    Java source code and sample HTML included.

    This version computes by adding GST HST and PST to a base
    price. It als works in reverse given the
    final price working backwards to get the taxes and base
    price. In other words it will tell ...

    Quoter iconQuoter 5.1   (Downloads: 390)
    Converts text with many possible cleanups and transformations. Converts text with many possible cleanups, including
    preparation of HTML and Java, aligning in columns, character
    set conversion, case converting, removing excess white
    space, removing blank lines, preparing regex expressions....

    converts raw text with the following possible cleanups:

    0. Flow text by removing newline characters. Useful to prepare text to paste into web comment boxes.

    1. Convert awkward chara...

    BOOTSave iconBOOTSave 2.8   (Downloads: 251)
    BootSave saves/restores the master boot sector BootSave saves/restores the master boot sector on the
    hard disk. Suite of three utilities BootSave, BootRest and
    BootChk. Protects against damage to the partition table or
    boot sector done by rogue programs, viruses or accidents
    with tools like Norton NU.

    The BootSave suite will work under DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows
    95/98/ME, OS/2, but not NT, Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7.
    These OSes block low level disk I/O as...

    Wassup iconWassup 2.5   (Downloads: 440)
    Wassup let's you know what's up with your Java environment. Wassup let's you know what's up with your Java environment.
    It will tell you the System Properties, as many as the
    Security system will let you peek at. This includes such
    things as which JVM is running, which version of Java, which
    vendor. It may be run as either an Applet or an application.
    When you run Wassup as an application it shows you
    considerably more information. The Java sandbox considers it
    a security risk to rev...

    BlOut iconBlOut 2.6   (Downloads: 350)
    Blout removes extra or all blank lines from a file. Blout removes extra blank lines from a file, collapsing multiple blank
    lines down to one, (or removing them altogether with the -compact option).
    It also ensures the file has a final CrLf. It also trims any blank lines
    off the beginning and end of the file. It also converts all line endings
    to Windows standard CrLf form. It trims trailing tabs and spaces from
    each line.

    Blout is not that bright. It does not understand w...

    Http iconHttp 2.9   (Downloads: 694)
    HTTP GET/POST/HEAD/PROBE/CHASE java class library for http: or https: http is a small library of Java classes to let you do GET/POST/HEAD/PROBE/CHASE to a server r with http: or https. It will also encode parameter pairs for you.

    It does nothing on its own. It is intended to be incorporated into your own programs.

    To see a sample use have a look at the com.mindprod.submitter package, downloadable...

    QuickSort iconQuickSort 1.6   (Downloads: 224)
    QuickSort is an implementation of Tony Hoare's classic recursive Quicksort. QuickSort is an implementation of Tony Hoare's classic
    QuickSort. QuickSort works by choosing a pivot point and
    ensuring all elements below the pivot point are small all
    above are big, (i.e. smaller than the pivot) Then it
    recursively splites the upper and lower halves, repeating
    the process. QuickSort is an internal sort written in Java.
    Both RadixSort and HeapSort are quicker than QuickSort.
    QuickSort can also take patholo...

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    AbleFTP iconAbleFTP 11.10: AbleFtp - FTP client designed to automate and run 1000+ FTP tasks a day.

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