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Comparators 1.4 (Downloads: 293)
Comparator classes to include in your Java programs. Java classes to include in your programs. Includes:
HTMLArrayComparator.java: Compares two arrays of Strings of HTML, ignoring embedded tags.
HTMLComparator.java: Compares two Strings of HTML, ignoring embedded tags.
StringComparator.java: Compares two Strings, case sensitive.
StringComparatorIgnoreCase.java: Compares two Strings, case insensitive.
Not useful on its own, though you can run the debugging harness with:
QuickSort 1.6 (Downloads: 227)
QuickSort is an implementation of Tony Hoare's classic recursive Quicksort. QuickSort is an implementation of Tony Hoare's classic
QuickSort. QuickSort works by choosing a pivot point and
ensuring all elements below the pivot point are small all
above are big, (i.e. smaller than the pivot) Then it
recursively splites the upper and lower halves, repeating
the process. QuickSort is an internal sort written in Java.
Both RadixSort and HeapSort are quicker than QuickSort.
QuickSort can also take patholo...
LEDataStream 1.8 (Downloads: 226)
Little-endian replacements for DataInputStream, DataOutputStream and RandomAcces Little-endian replacements for DataInputStream, DataOutputStream and RandomAccessFile. They work just like DataInputStream, DataOutputStream and RandomAccessFile except they work with little-endian binary data. Normally Java binary I/O is done with big-endian data, with the most significant byte of an integer or float first. Intel and Windows 95 tend to work with little endian data in native files. LEDataInputStream, LEDataOutputstream and LERandomAccessFile will le...
Base64 1.9 (Downloads: 275)
Java classes to encode/decode Base64 and Base64u Base64 is a freeware way of encoding 8-bit characters using
only ASCII printable characters similar to UUENCODE.
UUENCODE embeds a filename where BASE64 does not. You will
see BASE64 used in encoding digital certificates, in
encoding user:password string in an Authorization: header
for HTTP. The spec is described in RFC 2045.
Don't confuse Base64 with x-www-form-urlencoded which
is handled by java.net.URLEncoder.encod...
RadixSort 1.6 (Downloads: 191)
RadixSort is a fast internal sort written in Java that mimics a card sorter. RadixSort is a fast internal sort written in Java that
mimics a card sorter. Source provided. It is faster than
both HeapSort and QuickSort. It sorts using a comparision
routine you provide to compare two elements to be sorted
plus a method to extract individual bytes from the keys to
be sorted. The time to sort each item unlike most sorts,
does not increase with larger sorts. It depends rather on
the key length.
SortedArrayList 1.3 (Downloads: 203)
Sort and Merge ArrayLists efficiently. This is a pair of library classes to include in your own
code for manipulating ArrayLists.
It consist of two classes: SortedArrayList and Merge.
SortedArrayList is an ArrayList that remembers how it is
sorted, so that if you ask it to sort, it can sometimes
bypass the work when it is already in order. You declare the
order you want and it keeps the list sorted, You just call
sort whenever you need the list to ...
FileIO 6.1 (Downloads: 540)
Generates sample Java code to do 617 types of I/O. I/O teaching tool that generates sample Java source code to read or write the console, a sequential file, a random access file, a String, an array of characters, an array of bytes, URL, HTTP CGI GET/POST, Socket, resource or Pipe. It shows you how to read or write ASCII-8 bit characters (plain or locale-encoded), Unicode 16-bit characters, raw bytes, big endian binary, little endian binary, or serialised objects, buffered, unbuffered or gzip compressed.
Biorhythms Calculator 2.7 (Downloads: 892)
Calculates and displays biorhythm graphs. Calculates and displays biorhythm graphs.
Enter your birthdate and this Applet and it will calculate
your biorhythms. It computes your 23-day physical, 28-day
emotional, 33-day intellectual and combined cycles. The
combined cycle is sometimes called the luck cycle. The
theory of biorhythms is when the cycles are positive/high
you will have high energy. When they are negative/low you
will have low energy. When they...
CreditCard Validator 1.8 (Downloads: 380)
Verifies that credit card number is valid. The CreditCard Validator will help you tell:
1. if a credit card number is valid,
2. which credit card vendor handles that number.
It is a simple Applet to demonstrate the use of the ValidateCreditCard class.
It validates the prefix and the checkdigit. It does *not* contact the credit card company to ensure that number has actually been issued and that the account is in good standing.
It will also tell you which of ...
Encoding Recogniser 1.2 (Downloads: 188)
Help determine a file's encoding by displaying it wth all supported encodings. Encoding Recogniser will help you determine what encoding was
used to write a file by displaying the file in hex or and
decoded characters in any of the encodings supported by
This program runs under any OS,
(e.g. Win2K/XP/Vista/OSX/Linux/Solaris/Vista64/AIX...) so long as you have
Java version 1.5 or later installed.
To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip (or similar unzip utility) into ...
Encodings 1.6 (Downloads: 220)
Applet to list all supported encodings (character sets) supported by Java. Applet to list all supported encodings (character sets)
supported by your browser/java.
To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip,
(or similar unzip utility) into
any directory you please, often C:\ -- ticking off the (user
folder names) option. To run as an application, type:
java -jar C:\com\mindprod\encodings\encodings.jar
adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is....
Compactor 3.4 (Downloads: 533)
Compresses HTML by removing unnecessary white space. Compresses HTML by removing unnecessary white space.
Compacts HTML so that web pages are 20% smaller and hence
20% faster. It does this by removing all unnecessary white
space. To fluff files up again, I suggest using SlickEdit
beautify. The file will render on browsers exactly as they
did before. Any [pre] sections are left intact. No comments
are removed.
VerCheck 4.4 (Downloads: 293)
VerCheck checks websites for new versions of the software you use. WHAT IT IS FOR
I used to check over a dozen websites each day to see if new versions of the software I use had been released. This was time consuming and error prone. VerCheck automates this
process by checking the websites of the programs you use to see if the version numbers have changed. It comes preconfigured from the factory with 64 applications.
For each applica...
KeyPlayer 1.5 (Downloads: 365)
Java Keystroke and Mouse Event Tutor / Keyboard Diagnostic. Java Keystroke and Mouse Event Tutor / Keyboard Diagnostic
Application to let you experiment to learn how mouse and
keystroke events work. Output appears on the console.
Just click the mouse or hit keystrokes and watch what details
of the events generated.
To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, available from
winzip.com (or similar unzip utility) into any
directory you please, often C:\ -- ticking off the (...
Quoter 5.1 (Downloads: 393)
Converts text with many possible cleanups and transformations. Converts text with many possible cleanups, including
preparation of HTML and Java, aligning in columns, character
set conversion, case converting, removing excess white
space, removing blank lines, preparing regex expressions....
converts raw text with the following possible cleanups:
0. Flow text by removing newline characters. Useful to prepare text to paste into web comment boxes.
1. Convert awkward chara...
ShellSort 1.4 (Downloads: 213)
ShellSort is a simple sort suitable for 2000 or less elements. ShellSort is a simple sort suitable for 2000 or less
elements. It sorts using a comparision routine you provide
to compare two elements to be sorted.
You can test it with:
java.exe com.mindprod.shellsort.TestShellSort...
SiteMap 1.9 (Downloads: 302)
Prepare Spidering Sitemap for Google and other search engines. You use a sitemap to encourage Google or other search
engines to more frequently and efficiently index your
For overview information about Google sitemaps see:
For overview information about this utility see:
You use this sitemap utility because it is so quick you can
use it before every upload so that...