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FileTimes 1.9 (Downloads: 222)
Read and set Windows file/dir times from Java: Create/LastModified/LastAccessed Java class library to get/set file and directory times: Create/LastModified/LastAccessed. For Windows only.
Create time is when the file was first written. Modified
time (sometimes called lastModified) is when the file was
last written. Accessed time is when the file was last read
or written. Checking its date, looking at its attributes or
checking to see if it exists does not count as reading it.
Get/Set Windows Fil...
ISBN 2.5 (Downloads: 315)
Tidies, interconverts and Validates ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 book numbers. Helps you proofread, interconvert, validate and tidy ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 (International Standard Book Number) references in your HTML or other documentation. It validates the checkdigit, inserts dashes, interconverts ISBN-10 and ISBN-13. It displays them both with and without dashes....
Tabin 5.3 (Downloads: 233)
Converts spaces to tabs in an ASCII text file. Converts spaces to tabs in an ASCII text file
TABIN.exe Myfile.txt
Assumes tab stops are 8 columns apart. Don't use it on word
processor files. C source included. Copyrighted by Canadian
Mind Products. May be freely distributed and used for any
purpose except military. It has been rewritten in C from
Pascal for extra speed. Users of previous versions should
take care to delete the old TABIN.COM...
JarLook 1.2 (Downloads: 293)
Check that class target versions are as expected in a Java jar. Check a Java jar to make sure all the javac -target versions of
the class files are what you expect.
Java application.
Requires Java version 1.5 or later.
All Java source code is included.
to use:
java -jar jarlook.jar jartotocheck.jar 1.1 1.4
where jartocheck.jar is the name of jar to check.
It will check all the class files in it.
In this example:
1.1 is the low...
Screws 1.3 (Downloads: 224)
CMP Screws and Screwdrivers draws eight types of screw heads. CMP Screws and Screwdrivers draws eight types of screw
heads. It is a teaching example for how to use Java Canvas,
fillRect, fillOval, fillPoly and AffineTransform to draw.
Java source is included for you to cannibalise.
It draws 8 types of screw heads.
To run as an application, type:
java -jar C:\com\mindprod\screws\screws.jar
adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is....
Pws 2.0 (Downloads: 209)
PWS (the pathway amanuensis) helps you with personal problems. PWS (the pathway amanuensis) helps you with personal
problems. You describe your problem and it prescribes some
sage advise based on Ken Keyes' twelve pathways from the
book Handbook To Higher Consciousness.
To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, available from
winzip.com (or similar unzip utility) into any
directory you please, often C:\ -- ticking off the (user
folder names) option. To run as an applicat...
Replicator 11.3 (Downloads: 748)
The Replicator lets you distribute large numbers of files to many people. The Replicator lets you distribute large numbers of files to
many people efficiently. The software automatically
downloads just the changed files and deletes ones no longer
part of the distribution.
Unlike other similar tools, all it requires is an ordinary
HTTP website. It requires no code to run on the server.
It can also work with CDs, and LANs.
Custom configured for each customer. Not free. Registrat...
Insult 1.9 (Downloads: 313)
Generates insults typical of those posted by Republicans in newsgroups. Generates insults typical of those posted by Republicans in
the alt.politics.bush newsgroup.
Java Applet that can also be run as an application.
You can run it without installing it at
To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into
any directory you please, often C:\ -- ticking off the (user
folder names) option. To run as an application,...
Transporter 1.4 (Downloads: 227)
Lightweight Java classes to let you encrypt/sign/armour for secure transmission. The Transporter acts like an electronic secure courier to
deliver your data and documents in encrypted form safe from
prying eyes or those who would tamper with them.
It Encrypts, digitally signs and armours to send sensitive
information over the Internet without SSL.
Typically you would embed it in your own Internet
CSV 6.5 (Downloads: 962)
Java to read, write, align, sort, reshape, pack... comma, tab-separated files. Java classes you can use standalone or embed in your own programs to
Read, write, align, sort and pack comma, tab and semicolon-
separated variable files, commonly known as CSV files.
It consists of a 23 Java classes/utilities CSVReader, CSVWriter, CSVAlign, CSVChangeCase, CSVCondense, CSVDeDup, CSVDeDupField, CSVDeEntify, CSVDump, CSVEntify, CSVPack, CSVPatch, CSVReshape, CSVSort, CSVSortField, CSVTabToComma, CSVTemplate, CSVToHTML, CSVToS...
Dedup 1.5 (Downloads: 211)
Java command line utility to removes duplicate lines from text files. DeDup is a Java command-line utilty for removing duplicate
lines in text files.
The dedup process compares adjacent lines only. It does not
sort first. The comparison is case sensitive. It removes
adjacent indentical lines. It replaces the original file, so
do a backup first. You can dedup 1 to N files in one
execution, just put their names on the command line.
DeDup deletes blank lines from both the beginning...
Align 1.6 (Downloads: 231)
Aligns data in ASCII text files into neat columns. ALIGN aligns data in ASCII text files into neat columns.
Also converts comma-delimited files to columns with 2 spaces
between each column. Input fields must be separated by
commas or white space. Fields may contain spaces if they
are enclosed in single or double quotes or C comments /* ...
*/ or //. The best way to understand this program is to try
it on a COPY of any ASCII Text file, especially one that
contains badly al...
Converter 5.5 (Downloads: 382)
How to Interconvert any of the Java primitives. Conversion Amanuensis. Conversion teaching tool. Shows you how to convert any of the 17 basic Java types into any of the other. Conversion Amanuensis as your side whenever you need Java code to convert anything to anything else. Runs an as Applet or application.
To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, available from
winzip.com (or similar unzip utility) into any
directory you please, often C:\ -- ticking off the (user
folder names) option. To run ...
FontSaver 1.4 (Downloads: 208)
FontSaver shares Font objects instead of creating new ones. FontSaver shares Font objects instead of creating new ones to cut
down on the RAM and time needed to create Font and Font peer objects.
Profiling often shows the creation of too many Font objects is the
cause of poor performance.
See the source code for how to incoporate it into your own programs.
It does nothing on its own....
Amper 1.9 (Downloads: 362)
Safely converts ampersands to !amp; entities In the following, pretend ! is an ampersand. PAD files don't let me give literal examples. Amper converts ! to !amp; in HTML files and back, but does not convert it when the ! is already in an entity e.g. !lt; !thetasym; !eacute;
The main use for this is to pass HTMLValidator verification of your HTML, which is very picky about !, especially inside URLs.
As a side effect, it also ensures all your comment delimiters balance.
It ...
BOOTSave 2.8 (Downloads: 254)
BootSave saves/restores the master boot sector BootSave saves/restores the master boot sector on the
hard disk. Suite of three utilities BootSave, BootRest and
BootChk. Protects against damage to the partition table or
boot sector done by rogue programs, viruses or accidents
with tools like Norton NU.
The BootSave suite will work under DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows
95/98/ME, OS/2, but not NT, Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7.
These OSes block low level disk I/O as...
CMOSSave 4.6 (Downloads: 302)
Check CMOS for corruption and automatically restore it. CMOSSave CMOSRest CMOSChk restore corrupted CMOS from
backup and check that CMOS has not been tampered with.
Naive users sometimes meddle with CMOS settings. We need a
fast way to put the scores of subtle CMOS configuration
settings back the way they were.
Power surges can corrupt CMOS. We need a way for a naive
user to quickly restore all the CMOS settings.
If the battery fails, the contents will be los...