Bible Pro 14.9 (Downloads: 871)
Study 43 Bibles with 1mil. refs, 250,000 commentaties BiblePro includes 1.75 million verse links, 250,000 commentaries, 43 bibles, more than 100 maps, and an interface with free updates for life. BiblePro uses the same buttons, tools, look, and feel of Microsoft Word and Outlook to make it as easy as possible to learn how to use. The search finds any verse intelligently. Results are linked to commentaries, references, and translations. View a map of the places mentioned and designs of ancient buildings. As you search, ...
Baby Boomer Bible Study 14.11 (Downloads: 1475)
Study 143 Bibles with an easy to use tool. Great tools like the NIV, NASB & more Study 143 Bibles with an easy to use tool. Get the NIV, NASB and many translations including, greek, spanish, hebrew and more texts. Includes now Android and iPhone versions....
Bible Study Pro 2.0 (Downloads: 916)
100s of Bibles, 1,000s of resources, maps and commentaries Get 100s of Bibles, 1,000s of resources, maps and commentaries including all popular Bibles. Includes massive numbers of Bible maps , digital resources and linked lookups. Create and manage your own notes, produce sermons, Bible study classes and more. NIV, NASB coming soon....
Teen Bible Study 14.4 (Downloads: 255)
Research over 130 Bibles with maps, references, commentaries and research tools. Research over 130 Bibles with maps, references, commentaries and research tools. iPhone and Android too!...