GlitterText Maker 1.0 (Downloads: 230)
GlitterText Maker is a glitter system for the PC Created by popular demand, the Glitter Text Maker is a glitter system that allows for the creation of glittering text, without the need for third party software. The Glitter Text Maker can use any proportional TTF font on your Windows PC, and turn it into beautiful glittering text for your Web site quickly and effortlessly....
GL4 Viewer 1.0 (Downloads: 243)
A Freeware GL4, Gliterizer System Viewer, to view Glitter Modules A Freeware GL4, Gliterizer System Viewer, to view Glitter Modules. Using NickleBag Software's Glitterizer system (Glitterizer, GlitterText Maker, GL4 Maker) you may wind up with hundreds of glitter anim modules on your computer. Use this viewer to preview them....