Classic Cats screensaver 1.4 (Downloads: 236)
Cats play, purr, run, jump and misbehave right on the screen of your computer! Hey there, cat-lovers of the world! The cats have finally made their way into the cyberspace.
And now they play, purr, run, jump and misbehave right on the screen of your computer.
To call Classic Cats screensaver cute is a gross understatement. This amazing screensaver
is a real masterpiece in the eyes of every animal lover. And it becomes an instant hit in
every home, school, office or company where it makes its way. Get ready to be astonis...
Sweet Girls screensaver 1.0 (Downloads: 256)
Enjoy the company of these gorgeous ladies as they do their relaxing dance! Let's face it: everything changes. Living in new digital age often means compromising between technology and esthetics. It may sound irrational, but computers, even when used as creativity tools, are merely machines. Despite the fact that modern operating systems feature gorgeous user interfaces, sitting in front of the computer screen all day long is somewhat destructive to our natural esthetic perception.
Characters, numbers, dots, slashes - it is all there?...