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    C: \ Development \ Components & Libraries \ VeriLook algorithm demo for MS Windows 3.1 \ Author

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    VeriLook algorithm demo for MS Windows 3.1 - Author Info Page

    Description: Webcam capable face identification SDK, libraries and source code... (more)

    Author Info for VeriLook algorithm demo for MS Windows 3.1

    Author/Company Name: Neurotechnologija

    Country: Lithuania

    Web Site: http://www.neurotechnologija.com/

    Programs listed: 2

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    FingerCell Standard EDK (Windows Demo) iconFingerCell Standard EDK (Windows Demo) 1.2   (Downloads: 247)
    A kit for embedded/PC biometric system development with third-party hardware FingerCell 1.2 Standard EDK is designed for most embedded biometric system developers. This EDK allows integrating FingerCell algorithm into various hardware from handheld devices to PC based servers. Also, multiple software platforms are supported, thus both stand-alone and complex solutions could be developed.

    FingerCell 1.2 Standard EDK includes these components:
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