ECTmouse 1.27.4 by: EyeComTec (LAZgroup S.A.)

ECTmouse emulates cursor movement and mouse button clicks by using any keyboard
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 1237
Size: 1900 K
Date: 2016-03-29
Keywords: Virtual Mouse, Assistant Software, Disability, Paralysis, Reduced mobility, handicapped, mouse emulator, AAC, cursor, mouse clicks, scroll, double click, left, right, middle mouse button
Desktop Fay 3.0.1 by: Dmitry Kozhinov

Virtual Assistant for Windows with Reminder, Email, and Calculator.
License: Shareware, Price: $12.95 US
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Downloads: 1161
Size: 9863 K
Date: 2016-03-24
Keywords: desktop fay, virtual assistant, email assistant, reminder, email, email client, calculator
ECTkeyboard 31.2.2 by: EyeComTec (LAZgroup S.A.)

ECTKeyboard - text input and messaging for individuals with limited motor skills
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 937
Size: 2924 K
Date: 2015-07-18
Keywords: Assistive technology, mediated communication, quadriplegia, paralysis, Augmentative Communication, AAC
ECTlistener 2.7.2 by: EyeComTec (LAZgroup S.A.)

Work with a symbol matrix and type text by making any noise or sound possible
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 876
Size: 1920 K
Date: 2015-07-18
Keywords: Sniffing device, Assistant technology, assistive communication, computer mediated communication, paralysed to communicate, fight paralysis, communicate with tetraplegia, type by blowing
ECTmorse 1.13.3 by: EyeComTec (LAZgroup S.A.)

ECTmorse is a program designed to emulate the Morse telegraph
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 956
Size: 1642 K
Date: 2015-07-18
Keywords: Morse, Telegraph, Emulator, Assistant Communication, Dit, Dah, EyeComTec, LAZgroup
ECTtracker 15.4.2 by: EyeComTec (LAZgroup S.A.)

ECTtracker is an eye-tracking program from assistive technology software complex
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 912
Size: 2911 K
Date: 2015-07-18
Keywords: assistive technology, computer mediated communication, assistive communication, communicate with paralyzed, AAC, Alternative Augmentative Communication
Poker Tournament Supervisor 2.1a by: Graph & In - Hermann Sorais

Poker Tournament Supervisor is a powerful poker timer
License: Shareware, Price: $33.50 US
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Downloads: 580
Size: 33881 K
Date: 2014-01-17
Keywords: poker, tournament, manager, tournament director, management, timer, poker timer, blind, blinds, countdown timer, blinds, blind, blind structure, payout calculator, blind, assistant
Myriad Plug-in 5.6.3i by: Myriad Software

Web browser plug-in to play, transpose, display or print music scores online.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 693
Size: 7860 K
Date: 2013-10-03
Keywords: web browser, navigator, mozilla, opera, safari, netscape, IE, plug-in, play, transpose, display, print, music, scores, online, harmony, melody, assistant
BuzzBundle Professional 2.3.9 by: Link-Assistant.com: SEO Software

New intuitive Social Media Marketing software to speed up your SMM activities
License: Shareware, Price: $199.00 US
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Downloads: 423
Size: 68574 K
Date: 2013-08-27
Keywords: smm software, social management tool, BuzzBundle, schedule Twitter posts, schedule Facebook posts, forum poster, blog commenting software, Link Assistant social tool
BB EAP 5.66 by: B+B Systems, LLC

Employee Assistance Program/Case Management/Drug and Alcohol counseling system
License: Shareware, Price: $1250.00 US
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Downloads: 691
Size: 18554 K
Date: 2012-04-18
Keywords: employee assistance program, eap, drug, alcohol, case management, client records, counseling, referrals, providers, contacts