Uber Turing Machine 1.3 by: SuperUtils.com Software

Turing machine simulator for students, academics, and programming enthusiasts.
License: Shareware, Price: $9.95 US
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Downloads: 304
Size: 1826 K
Date: 2011-09-13
Keywords: Turing machine simulator, Turing machine, Alan Turing, study Turing machine, universal Turing machine, Turing machine programs, software for students, software for academics, software for programming enthusiasts
Random Test Generator-PRO 8.3 by: Hirtle Software

Create Tests from Randomly Selected Questions of test item databanks
License: Shareware, Price: $99.95 US
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Downloads: 298
Size: 21641 K
Date: 2009-01-02
Keywords: hirtle, software, shareware, random tests, generator, quiz, educational, exam, college, high school, proctor, teacher, student, professor, academic, questions, database, databank, finals, algebra, reading, math, science, history, sat, gre, credential
YearPlanner 2.5.8 by: C Software

An interactive software Year Planner, with reminders and WYSIWYG Interface
License: Shareware, Price: $35.00 US
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Downloads: 229
Size: 3499 K
Date: 2007-06-13
Keywords: YearPlanner, Year, Planner, Project, Calendar, Management, PIM, Diary, Business, School, Academic, Term, Timetable, Outlook, WYSIWYG, Software, Plan, Schedule, Student, Remember, Recurrence Pattern, Alarms, Reminders
Electric Field 2.01 by: Nasanbat Namsrai

An excellent tool for visualizing electric field and equipotential lines.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 214
Size: 827 K
Date: 2006-08-29
Keywords: electric field, electric field line, equipotential surface, charge, drawing electric field line, physics educational software, physics academic software, Nasanbat Namsrai, nasanbat@gmail.com
Ideal Gas in 3D 2.01 by: Nasanbat Namsrai

An excellent tool for visualizing motion of ideal gas and ideal gas laws.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 196
Size: 736 K
Date: 2006-08-29
Keywords: ideal gas, ideal gas laws, Boyle's law, Charles law, Maxwell distribution, physics educational software, physics academic software, Nasanbat Namsrai, nasanbat@gmail.com
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